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How to solve the noise problem of Pillow Block Units?

1. Check lubrication
Poor lubrication is one of the main reasons for noise in bearing units. The selection and application of lubricants are the key to ensuring the normal operation of bearings and reducing noise. First, lubricants suitable for bearing units should be used, and incompatible lubricants should be avoided. Different types of bearings may require different lubricants, such as oil or grease. Secondly, the quality of the lubricant is also crucial, and inferior lubricants may not provide effective lubrication protection. Regular lubrication is necessary, and lubricants should be added or replaced regularly according to the use environment and workload of the bearing. Especially in high temperature, high humidity or dusty environments, lubricants may fail faster and require more frequent inspection and replacement. Finally, overlubrication should be avoided. Overlubrication will not only cause lubricant leakage, but also absorb dust and impurities, which will increase wear and noise. Therefore, lubrication in appropriate amounts and at the right time is an effective way to ensure smooth operation of bearings and reduce noise.

2. Check installation
Improper installation is also a common cause of noise in bearing units. During installation, it is necessary to ensure that the center line of the bearing is aligned with the center line of the shaft to avoid eccentricity. Eccentricity will cause uneven load distribution, increase friction and wear of the bearing, and thus generate noise. Before installation, the mounting surface should be cleaned to ensure that there are no impurities and dirt, which may affect the installation accuracy and running stability of the bearing. The tightening of the fixing bolts and fasteners is also very important. Loose fasteners will cause vibration and noise during the operation of the bearing. The appropriate tools and torque should be used to ensure that the bolts and fasteners are firmly fixed. If any abnormalities are found during the installation process, such as deformation of the bearing seat or incorrect installation position, they should be adjusted or replaced in time to ensure that the bearing can be installed and operated correctly.

3. Check wear and damage
Wear or damage to the bearing will cause noise problems. Regularly checking the condition of the bearing is an effective way to prevent and solve noise. First, the bearing raceways and rolling elements should be checked to ensure that there are no signs of wear, scratches or damage. Worn bearing raceways and rolling elements will cause uneven operation and generate noise. Secondly, the inspection of seals is also important. Damage to the seals will cause lubricant leakage, increase friction and noise. The integrity of the seals should be checked regularly and replaced in time if problems are found. In addition, the condition of the shaft should be checked to ensure that the shaft is not worn or damaged. Shaft wear will cause unbalanced operation of the bearing and increase noise. If any component is found to have signs of wear or damage, it should be repaired or replaced in time to ensure that the bearing can operate normally.

4. Check the load and speed
Excessive load or high speed is one of the common reasons for noise in the bearing unit. Make sure that the load borne by the bearing is within its rated range and avoid overload operation. Overload will cause the bearing to overheat and accelerate wear, thus generating noise. According to the specific application environment, the bearing of appropriate specifications and load capacity should be selected to ensure that it can withstand the working load. Excessive speed will also increase the wear and noise of the bearing. Make sure that the speed of the bearing meets its design specifications and avoid excessive speed. The speed of the bearing can be controlled by adjusting the transmission ratio or using a frequency converter to ensure that it operates within a safe range. In addition, the balance of load and speed is also important. Maintaining a stable load and speed can help reduce the wear and noise of the bearing.

5. Check environmental factors
The working environment has a great impact on the operation of the bearing. Environmental factors may cause noise in the bearing unit. Temperature is an important factor. Too high or too low temperature will affect the performance and life of the bearing. Make sure that the ambient temperature is within the operating temperature range of the bearing. If necessary, cooling or heating measures can be taken to control the temperature. Dust and dirt are also common causes of noise. When the bearing is running, if there is a lot of dust in the surrounding environment, it is easy to enter the bearing, increase friction and wear, and cause noise. The working environment should be kept clean to prevent dust and dirt from entering the bearing. Consider installing a dust cover or using a sealed bearing. Vibration is also a problem that needs attention. External vibration sources will affect the stable operation of the bearing and increase noise. The influence of external vibration sources should be minimized or eliminated to ensure that the bearing can run smoothly.

6. Use high-quality bearings
Choosing high-quality seated bearing units can effectively reduce the occurrence of noise problems. High-quality bearings use higher quality materials and more sophisticated processes in the design and manufacturing process, which can provide better performance and longer service life. Well-known brands of bearings usually have better guarantees in terms of quality and reliability, so when choosing bearings, try to choose well-known brands and high-quality products. In addition to brand and quality, it is also important to ensure that the bearings meet relevant quality certifications and industry standards. By choosing bearings that meet the standards, you can ensure that they can perform well under various working conditions and reduce the occurrence of noise and other problems.

7. Regular maintenance
Establishing a regular maintenance plan and conducting comprehensive inspection and maintenance of the bearing unit is the key to ensuring its long-term stable operation and reducing noise. The inspection cycle should be formulated according to the use of the bearing and the environmental conditions. For bearings operating under high load, high speed or harsh environment, the inspection and maintenance frequency should be higher. Regularly check the lubrication condition of the bearing, the tightness of the fasteners, the wear and damage of the bearing, and promptly discover and solve potential problems. Recording the situation of each inspection and maintenance will help analyze the operating status and cause of the bearing problem, and take targeted preventive measures. Through a scientific maintenance plan, the service life of the bearing can be effectively extended, its good working condition can be maintained, and the occurrence of noise and other faults can be reduced.

Stainless steel Square Flange Pillow Block Units UCT series

316L stainless which provides corrosion resistance when compared to conventional steel and 440 stainless bearings.
316L Stainless is the standard molybdenum-bearing stainless steel. The molybdenum gives 316 better overall corrosion resistant properties than Grade 304,
particularly higher resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion in chloride environments.
Chemical Composition: C≤0.03, Si≤1.00,Mn≤2.00, P≤0.045, S≤0.03, Cr:16.0-18.0,Mo:2.0-3.0, Ni:10.0-14.0